A New House Built on Joy....Coming Soon!


Campaign Overview

A new Christ Child House has been our dream for years.

The time has come to begin construction on a new Chirst Child House, making our dreams a reality.

The Capital Campaign to build a new Christ Child House officially began in November 2022, thanks to major gift pledges from Christine & Dave Provost and the Putle Family Foundation at our annual Night of Angels gala.

Fast forward to present day and we are excited to announce the following:

A $3.8 million endowment to support continued Christ Child programming is fully funded, thanks to the generosity and commitment of the Pulte Family Foundation.

Our funding goals for construction costs and operations to build the new House and recreation center have been met.

Construction on the new House is set to begin in the very near future!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Capital Campaign fundraising efforts. Words cannot express our gratitude for your kindness and generosity.

Constructon Progress Photos

As of May 15, 2024, construciton on the new house site has officially begun!

J.S. Vig Construction is hard at work clearing brush and leveling the foundation that the new

Christ Child House will be built on.

This is a momentous step forward and we are excited to provide

additional updates on this page as progress is made.

Support The Capital Campaign Today!

We are still accepting donations from anyone who would like to be part of the future Christ Child House. Any amount is appreciated to help us keep up with ongoing building costs.

The Need for a New Christ Child House


Due to the level of abuse our boys have withstood, sharing bedrooms is not an option for many residents. The current House only has 16 bedrooms.


Christ Child House aims to have a fixed census of 24 residents. The structural limitations of the current 16-bedroom House means we have been forced to turn boys away.


The current House has limited space for indoor recreation. There is a small playground outside, but during the long winter months, at-home recreation is confined to one general purpose room. Our boys’ natural energy and enthusiasm is often augmented by aggression.


A year-round recreation center would be vital to the physical, mental and emotional well-being of every boy that calls Christ Child House “home.”


The current length of stay at Christ Child House is between 9-14 months, and once a child transitions out of the House, he is referred to another licensed agency for psycho-social counseling and other supportive services.


To expand the continuum of care, Christ Child House has expanded program licensure to become a Child Placement Agency (CPA). This  allows Christ Child staff to coordinate foster care placements and continue to provide personalized supportive care to the child in an approved foster care home.


Building a new Christ Child House has required a major fundraising effort including major gifts and multi-year pledges.


Together, we can change lives. Please partner with Christ Child Society today to help us keep up with ongoing building costs that continue to rise due to current market conditions. While our fundraising goal has been met, there is still a need for continued efforts toward the campaign!


Christ Child House has been home to more than 3,000 children over the past 75 years. The new Christ Child House will be home to the next 3,000 children who walk through our doors.

What Are We Building?

  • Building of an 18,000 square foot home
  • Twenty private and four semi-private bedrooms
  • Creative space dedicated to art and music therapy
  • Quiet areas for after-school tutoring
  • Sensory room specific to the needs of children on the Autism spectrum
  • Dedicated mudroom and laundry room featuring state-of-the-art sanitation technology
  • Private offices for clinicians to conduct one-on-one therapy and consultation
  • Full service commercial kitchen
  • Build out of a new recreation center, separate from the House
  • Recreation center to include multi-purpose floor to allow for basketball, soccer and other sports as well as theatre and talent shows

Where is the New House Located?

Our new home will be down the street on Joy Road, only a few plots of land away from the current Christ Child House. It was important for us to remain on Joy Road, as the new house location will give the current residents a sense of familiarity. We are not moving far! 

What Does the Endowment Program Include?

The establishment of an endowment is critical for our organization as it will allow for program enhancements in the future. This fund gives our highly trained staff flexibility to adjust programming as needed to give our residents the most desirable opportunities to grow as young men.